Gun Control – Why It Is A Failure

18 Dec

Imagine a place where everyone must show identification to enter, no one gets in who does not have the proper papers, there are guns, but no one can carries them, except a handful of people expected to keep the peace, who are disciplined, well trained, agents of the nation state.  Anyone but the elite, the chosen, are not allowed firearms, they are to be kept secured, in case of emergency and only taken out if and when directed.  This utopian anti-gun society is every liberal’s wet dream; All the threats are outside, should one come inside, there are trained people to manage that.  But, there is a problem with this anti-gun paradise, it doesn’t work.  Major Nidal Hasan, stationed at Fort Hood Texas ruined the liberal argument for control by taking firearms into the gun free utopia created by the military and gunning down co-workers, men and women, in the name of Jihad, to protest what he perceived to be war crimes committed by America, the Great Satan.  Although President Obama proclaimed this act of evil to be “workplace violence” it is obvious that he did that solely to show deference to Islam and to not award the valiant and brave the Purple Hearts and medals of valor due them.  This failed experiment in governmental gun control has resulted, not only in our glorious troops being denied recognition due them, they have also been denied the counseling and other resources due survivors of a terrorist attack and this is a prime example of government gun control failing.  Trained soldiers were not able to defend themselves because the only one with a gun was the criminal, just like in Washington D.C. and Chicago.  Well done liberals.

The liberals and other gun control fanatics have created another bastion of tyranny wherein the occupants are denied anything the government does not issue them and can only communicate through approved means.  This sterile paradise has no drugs, no alcohol, no weapons (except those of the governments, which are kept locked in an armory) and no violence, except when it doesn’t.  The Federal Bureau of Prisons is a massive failure when it comes to keeping contraband away from inmates.  Convicts routinely brew “pruno” a homemade form of alcohol, made with fruit, sugar, yeast or anything that will ferment, like Jello, juice, and bread, and the staff are powerless to stop this.  Drugs are plentiful in prison, anything you can get on the street, you can get in prison, it just costs more.  Inmates pay with money, favors and sexual favors, as well as violence and sometimes their lives, just to get high.  The war on drugs is a failure in prison, just like in the rest of the country.  If you can’t keep drugs and alcohol out of a prison, how can you keep guns out of America?  Not to worry, inmates have guns in prison too, they just make them, or have them smuggled in (you would be shocked at what people will stick in their ass just to hide it).  The zip gun is as old as guns themselves and can be made from just about anything, if you have the desire and the time.   When an anti-gun person tells you that this is the exception, not the rule, that is the same argument conservatives make when someone shoots up a school full of children….it is the exception, rather than the rule. 

The United States of America needs to return to its roots, as the “united States of America” as the subtle change in capitalization is the difference between liberty and tyranny.  The “United States of America” is empowering to the federal government and implies that the states exist at the behest of the feds; whereas, the “united States of America” clearly demonstrates that the states have united to create the feds.  Why does this matter?  Because a large, centralized government is not what the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are about.  Each state is in control of its own destiny for things not covered under the Constitution, such as healthcare and drugs, but for things that are covered, like firearms, the rule of law is clear, citizens can have guns and government, be it federal, state or local, cannot infringe upon that natural right.  There is no asterisk for fees, permits, concealed or open carry and this is the point where all conversations about guns should begin and end.  To those who whine, “But, Hugo, it says for a militia. What about that tough guy?” I say, “The militia is each and every one of us who are citizens”.  As a free people, our role is to remain free and retain our natural rights, guns get that done.  Gun control laws have contributed to the murder and genocide of over fifty six million people. Just as an evil person may shoot her own children, such as the case with Diane Downs, or shoot up a theater, as happened in Aurora Colorado or an elementary school in Newtown Connecticut, evil has always existed and will always exist.  You cannot have good, without evil, it is the circle of life.  Governments are made up of people and many times throughout history, people such as Stalin, Mao, Hitler and others have committed evil acts, after having disarmed the people in their countries.  Those who say it couldn’t happen again are either lying to you, to themselves, or both.  Governments controlled by evil people can only be restrained by an armed populace and the founders of the united States of America knew that.  People have a natural right to defend themselves, a responsibility to defend those that cannot defend themselves and defend liberty for their country.  Those of you who say, “But, Hugo, surely the founders didn’t mean those assault rifles did they?”  And, I say, “Yes. When our great country was founded, people had guns just like the government, except most people didn’t have cannons, but the government did.  In order to defend against a tyrannical government, one must have the tools to do so.  Besides, there is no asterisk on the second amendment that indicates I can only have the guns I’m told to have.  If I want it, I’m entitled to have it.” 

Remember, we live in a “Drug Free America” and there are more/better drugs available now than there were when the “War on Drugs” began.  If drugs get smuggled across the border, so will guns, only this time, instead of Obama sending them to Mexico, the cartels will send them here.  Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to the illegal aliens in America and was going to secure the borders, so that more did not invade our country….Obviously that plan didn’t work out.  Prisons and military bases, the most secure places in America, cannot control contraband and weapons.  A motivated person can and will kill, even if they have to melt Jolly Rogers together, then sharpen them, making a spear, or load up a rented truck with nitrogen based fertilizer, fuel and compressed water for expansion, or merely take over an airplane with a box cutter.  Evil cannot be stopped and surrendering your liberties to appease a vocal minority and/or the government is, in and of itself evil.  Those who are intent to kill, because they are evil, can only be stopped if you have the tools to physically stop them, saving yourself and saving others.  Like it or not, guns get stuff done.

Hugo Stiglitz – Armed & Dangerous (If oppressed)   

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