Tag Archives: NRA

A National Dialogue

17 Dec

We are all carbon based life forms, expelling noxious gas(s) that supposedly cause global warming.  But, the trees, plant life and vegetation need this gas to thrive and survive.  Our food sources need this gas to provide for us.  Liberal carbon based life forms want to eliminate humans, to save the planet, ignoring the fact that the planet needs us as much as we need the planet.  These liberal carbon based life forms ignore the basic fact that at one time, massive glaciers covered much of North America and without an increase in temperature, those glaciers would still be here, making curling our national sport, not baseball.  Liberals are illogical, irrational and parasitic, proving that all parasites will consume the host, if left untreated.  Although we are all carbon based life forms, created equally, as we reach adulthood, equality falls away as liberals assume an air of superiority and a cult like faith in all things ridiculous and they must be stopped.

Liberals are immune to things like facts and logic.  The religious like fervor that dominates all things liberal, not just their self-destructive belief in global warming (and unwillingness to accept facts that show their belief is not logical) has allowed for further self-destructive activities, such as pouring money into education but refusing the hold teachers accountable.  Liberals and their battle cry, “It’s for the children” have ruined public education in America.  Schools have turned into indoctrination centers where students pushed along, participants in some deranged Kabuki Theater, wherein the teachers fail to teach, the students get passed along and then sent off to the realm of college, many unable to read or learn and almost all of them convinced that the world owes them a living.  College professors are even worse.  Communism, I mean liberalism reigns supreme in the post-secondary education system.  Professors that do not adhere to the liberal mantra are denied tenure and chased from the university system like Frankenstein fleeing torch bearing villagers.  In this bastion of the left, which has managed to preserve the worst of the 1960’s counter culture, largely intact, rewards students who blindly accept the nonsense spewed by the professors, while smothering, mocking and deriding students who dare think and disagree with the illustrious professors, purveyors of all that is wrong in college.  It is like some macabre version of Pink Floyd’s The Wall, wherein the students who won’t consume the liberal pabulum, are beaten and refused any pudding. 

Liberals have even ruined religion.  The secular progressives, who have turned churches into bastions of tolerance and acceptance, should be drug out into the street and flogged with the antennae from a 1963 Chevy Impala.  Tolerance is for people who don’t have any values.  Respect of the values of others is important.  If someone wants to advocate practicing animal husbandry with their pet goat, that is between them and their goat.  However, if that same person insists on bringing that goat along with them to my Super Bowl party, I’m not going to tolerate that.  I respect my liberal neighbors’ right to partake in barn yard sodomy, but I refuse to tolerate it in my house.  Do not tolerate things you despise.  If you go to one of these churches that tolerate Islam, a religion that wants to kill you, what are you thinking?  Are you brain damaged?  Forget tolerance, acceptance and the rest of it, all you need to know about Islam is that they must convert, enslave or kill all non-Muslim’s;  How can you logically accept or tolerate someone who wants to kill you?  How can you attend a church that accepts and tolerates those who want to kill you?  In fact, if you attend one of these tree hugging, hippie mindset, bastard churches, just admit you are a no good communist rat bastard.  Go ahead you patchouli smelling piece of monkey ejaculation, own it, you are a dirt bag supreme and not worthy of the title of American.  Hang your head in shame and flog yourself with an old school car antenna, as you aren’t even worth my time.

 The bodies of the victims of the school shooting this last week weren’t even cold when illogical, brain dead liberals and their moronic leaders (Obama, Michael Moore, Mayor Bloomberg, Dick Durbin, et. Al.) began to scream for a national dialogue on gun control, ignoring the fact that Washington DC and Chicago, two liberal bastions with strict gun control, lead the nation in gun violence.  President Obama wants gun control because he fears Americans who believe in the Constitution.  Michael Moore blaming guns for killing is like his blaming spoons because his ass has its own zip code.  Mayor Bloomberg, what can be said about this waste of skin, other than he longs to control everything.  And, Dick Durbin, a man who never met a crisis he wouldn’t exploit, ignores the fact that cars and water kill more children than guns.  Liberals aren’t calling for a ban on assault cars because that would lead to walking and walking is work and liberals hate work.  When it comes to the second biggest killer of children in America, liberals are silent, refusing to call for a ban on water, as they need water to grow their medicinal marijuana.  Gun control isn’t about guns, it is about control.  Every time I hear “gun control” my anal glaucoma acts up (maybe I should get some medical marijuana for it), as I just can’t see my ass parting with my guns.  In the mind of the liberal, if they don’t like guns, no one should have one.  If I don’t like patchouli, I don’t buy it, but I won’t keep others from smelling like hippie garbage.  All of these shootings occur in areas where guns aren’t allowed….because gun free zones make it safe for criminals  to be criminals.  Liberals are brain damaged morons.

Liberals, also known as potential organ donors, believe that they shouldn’t pay taxes, but Republicans who make more than two hundred thousand dollars a year should pay their fair share.  Liberals won’t say what “fair share” is.  But, they are sure that “fair share” doesn’t apply to everyone, just Republicans.  Why are liberals so determined to punish the success of others?  Could it be the fact that they are losers?  Maybe.  Could it be the fact that they are lazy? Maybe.  Could it be both?  Yes.  One thing is sure, liberals sign the backs of checks, and conservatives sign the front.  I have never worked for a poor person, as they can’t pay.  Liberals are opposed to a fair tax, but want the wealthy to pay more, as that is fair.  It is the brain damage that allows for things like this.  The parasites on the left will consume the host, knowing that doing so will result in their demise.

Liberals want a national dialogue on guns.  Okay.  We can have a national dialogue on guns when we have one on immigration and securing our borders.  If every gun in America was rounded up and melted down, gun violence would continue.  Our government cannot stop illegal aliens (that is what they are, not undocumented workers), drugs and guns from crossing the border now, so what makes them think they can secure the borders by banning firearms?  Brain damage, arrogance and lack of logic is what makes liberals believe they can do things never done before.  If only they would believe they could fly, without aid of an airplane.  Liberals want a national dialogue on everything that they find offensive, but on nothing of substance and value.  Anyone who has had a dialogue with a liberal knows that they don’t mean a civil conversation, an open exchange of ideas, they mean, liberals talk, conservatives listen and then everyone does what the libs say.  Liberals couldn’t be more wrong if they showed up at Walmart in a g-string, with a cup of tapioca strapped to each nipple and a diaper on their heads. 

It is time Americans stood up and told these communist rat bastards that the adults are taking over, as the kids and the Kennedy’s have drank all the scotch, wrecked the car and left Lady Liberty drowning in the river.  Liberals have ruined the economy, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Democrat Party.  They are like the retarded dog you bring home from the shelter, who chews up the couch, humps the ministers leg, pisses on the stereo and takes a dump on the dining room table, in that, it is time for the dog to go back to the shelter.  It is time for the liberals to go back to the shelter too.  It is time to shrink government by eliminating agencies.  Time has come to resolve the fiscal cliff by telling Obama, “You created this mess with YOUR tax increases. You get to manage it.  Bitch.”  And, to resolve the debt crisis, it is time to stop raising the debt ceiling.  Force a balanced budget now and take our lumps, then move forward, healthier and better off.  Any liberal or leftist who rears his or her ugly rat bastard head to offer comment immediately gets seized by the populace and flogged with an antennae from an old Chevy.  In fact, I can see no reason to not start the floggings now….why wait?  Beat them like rented mules and drive them into the shadows from whence they came.

Hugo F**king Stiglitz – Minister of Car Antennae’s